Dr. Stavros T. Ponis

Stavros T. Ponis has a Dipl. Ing. degree (1996), and a Ph.D. (2000) in mechanical engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece. He has also conducted post doc research (2006-2008) on the field of  Information Systems for Supply Chain Management and Logistics.  He currently is an Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management and the Head of the Section of Industrial Management & Operations Research at NTUA and has more than 120 publications in fully reviewed scientific journals, International Conferences’ Proceedings and the Commercial Press. Prof. Ponis, since 2006, has served the European Union as a Project Monitoring and Auditing Expert in two different research units, these being INFSO.E2: Technologies for Information Management and D5-ICT for Enterprise Networking while also acting as an Expert Reviewer on behalf of the ICT for Transport Unit. His current research interests revolve around Marine Littering and the use of IoT and LPWAN technologies for waste/asset tracking in Closed Loop Supply Chains.