Prof. Dr. Md. Ataur Rahman, obtained the Bachelor of Science (Mechanical Engineering) from the Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Bangladesh in 1991. He started his career as an Assistant Engineer at the Bangladesh Machines Tools Factory, Dhaka, Bangladesh in 1992 and later he was appointed as an Engineer in 1994.  He was appointed as a Maintenance Engineer at the STEADTLER Germany-Malaysia for 1996-1998. He has obtained the Master of Business Administration (Techno-Entrepreneurship) from the University Technology Malaysia (UTM) in 2000, Master of Engineering (Automotive) from UTM in 2001 and Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (Automotive Engineering) from the University Putra Malaysia (UPM) in 2005. He was appointed as a Visiting Fellow for “Designing Automation System for Off-road Vehicle” at the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, The University of Tokyo, Japan for 2005-2006. He was appointed as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in 2006. Later he was promoted by IIUM for the post of Associate Professor in 2010 and Professor in 2014. He was appointed as Team Leader of the “IIUM Smart Mobility” by the Department of Mechanical Engineering of IIUM for Proton Green Mobility Challenge (PGMC) 2012 on “Designing Electric Vehicle” and competing with the top 10 Universities in Malaysia. His team got the Overall Championship Award and 1st position for the both of “Fastest and Farthest Distance Travelling”. He is the Chairmen of IIUM Centre for Excellent of Electric Mobility. In addition, he is the chairman of the Mechanical-Automotive (Honours) Engineering “Course Curriculum Review Committee” of the International Islamic University and the external examiner of the University Selangor (UniSel) Malaysia. He is the Visiting Professor of Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is appointed as a Panel Member for the proposal evaluation of the Prototype Research Scheme (PRGS), Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia. He has been selected as the Board Member of IIUM Flagship Project towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in 2018. His research interests are green transportation system: EV/HEV, intelligent evaporative thermal management system for EV battery, intelligent power train for hybrid and electrical vehicle, intelligent steering system and traction control system, electromagnetic CVT and electromagnetic seamless 2-speed gearbox and organic structural photo-capacitor for EV towards energy independent. He has published 140 index journal articles, 4 books and 5 patents. He has published three books: Green Transportation System. 1st Edition, ISBN 978-967-491-021-1, IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Peat Swamp: Productivity and livelihood, Traficability and Mechanization. Nova Science Publication, Inc. New York, USA. ISBN : 978-1-61942-6-70-2. Series: Environmental Science, Engineering and Technology; Renewable energy from automotive waste (In Press, IIUM Press).